A diverse group of fun-loving Ninjas populate the vibrant yet peaceful place known as Ninjatown. However, after the eruption of a nearby volcano, Ninjatown is attacked by hordes of sinister enemies lead by Mr. Demon, who, for reasons unknown, is bent on [...]
All the Adventure and Excitement of the 16-bit Game — are you ready to challenge the dark side? Choose your Rebel warrior: Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Han Solo, Chewbacca or Wicket the Ewok. Relive the action of the movie as you rescue Han from [...]
Dream Land is under siege again! Our hero, Kirby, returns to instigate a rescue. King Dedede is snatching up Dream Land’s food supply, but he’s not the only one! Dyna Blade, Meta Knight and a slew of other evil baddies are on the loose and [...]
Kirby and his friends are back in an adventure designed to satisfy longtime Kirby fans and beginners alike. When an alien spaceship crashes in the otherwise peaceful realm of Pop Star, its pieces are scattered throughout the land. Players must guide Kirby [...]
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Danger of the Ooze is a 2.5D platform video game developed by WayForward Technologies and published by Activision . It is the second video game based on the 2012 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles TV series and features elements [...]
A Japanese compilation of a top-down bullet hell shooter and an adventure game. A Japanese compilation of a top-down bullet hell shooter and an adventure game. Psikyo Shooting Collection Vol. 3: Sol Divide & Dragon Blaze
Devious Designs ## Description _A scientist obsessed with Picasso’s cubist paintings develops a weapon that turns everything to cubes. The United Kingdom sends a secret agent to revert the affected objects and monuments back to their original [...]