One of the most controversial games of the 1980’s, Chiller was an arcade and bootleg NES light-gun game. Banned in the UK, the player was tasked with torturing and murdering victims in various settings.
Robots Go Berserk! Dateline: Assault City, 2092. It’s a robot mutiny! Central Computer Control is in chaos. Armed KillerBots are running amok, blasting loyal Bots into metal junk and piles of whining servomotors!
Blue Estate is a darkly funny on-rails shooter ! Designed from the ground up to exploit the gyroscopic features of the new PlayStation4 controller, and Kinect moves sensor on Xbox One, Blue Estate offers slick wit and punishing violence through a [...]
Heavy Fire: Black Arms is an on-rails arcade shooter set in modern South America and a sequel of Heavy Fire: Special Operations . It was released exclusively for WiiWare