The game takes place in a world similar to modern-day Earth. The nations of the world once waged war over control of the world's crystals, and all but the nation of Lucis have lost theirs and regressed to medieval societies. Noctis Lucis Caelum, Crown [...]
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney, released in Japan as Gyakuten Saiban 4, is the fourth video game in the Ace Attorney series. Apollo Justice is the first game in the series that does not feature Phoenix Wright as the main protagonist, though it is not the [...]
Gyakuten Kenji 2 (逆転検事 2 Gyakuten Kenji 2, lit. “Turnabout Prosecutor 2″”), also referred to as “Ace Attorney Investigations 2” by Capcom staff, is the sequel to “Gyakuten Kenji” (known as “Ace Attorney [...]
Defend the innocent and save the day! Courtroom hero Phoenix Wright lays down the law this Winter in the digital release of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy. Experience the original trilogy like never before in clear, high-resolution re-drawn graphics [...]
The story of Ace Attorney 6 once again focuses on defense attorney Phoenix Wright and his two understudies Apollo Justice and Athena Cykes. Phoenix gets reunited with his longtime friend and spirit medium companion, Maya Fey, while visiting the island of [...]
The roguelike games are back! enter in this amazing adventure as an giant eyebrow boy or girl, your quest is defeat the lord dredmor and save the kingdom from the forces of dark! Each level is a floor randomly generate made of interconnected rooms, filled [...]
During a junior tennis tournament, a young player is found murdered in the stadium's locker room. The game player works with NYPD detectives Lennie Briscoe and Ed Green as they investigate the crime and make the arrest. Once accomplished, the player works [...]