During a routine survey, the interstellar weapons platform Laevina detects Nedium, an asteroid of unknown origin, and soon finds itself in the grip of the planetoid’s ultramagnetic field. Shipwrecked atop an impregnable fortress of rock, the [...]
X-wings, B-wings, speeder bikes, AT-STs, tauntauns–you’ll have to master them all to save Luke, Wedge, Han, Chewie, and Leia from Darth Vader and his Imperial forces. All new multiplayer modes include the entire Rogue Leader game in co-op, [...]
Ce second épisode sur Amstrad CPC marque un changement de look du héros par rapport au premier volet. Fini Indiana Jones, place à une dégaine proche de Flash Gordon pour Rick Dangerous. Le gameplay conserve tout de même son style action/plate-forme pour [...]
A 3D beat’em up released as an Arcade and later ported to Dreamcast. It served as a House of the Dead spin-off, where players had to take down hordes of zombies and monsters using not only their fists, but also melee and ranged weapons.