A sequel to the original Ninja-Kid (Ninja-kun), Ninja-Kid II is a side-scrolling platformer action game for Arcades. It is also known as Rad Action and JT-104, and was later ported to the NES in Japan only.
As a fight promoter for a troop of Kabuki warriors trying to travel from Edo to Kyoto, your actor/samurai must possess both strength and style. Along the way you will have to fight other Kabuki troops, garner the crowds favor to receive tips, and trade [...]
The gameplay of Blood Warrior is quite similar to many of the 2D fighting games of the same era. However, Kaneko seem to have taken much of their inspiration from the Mortal Kombat franchise in terms of over the top gore and violence; however, Blood [...]
The player faces off against a beefy Texan, a Sumo, a masked fighter, a robot, and a mutant in a series of arm-wrestling contests. Timing and quick joystick motions are key to victory.