Doki-Doki Universe is a charming interactive game world that takes you on a journey to explore the concept of humanity. Players will travel to uniquely themed planets and asteroids to meet some of the most bizarre characters in an effort to learn more [...]
Dr. Muto is a fully 3D, free-roaming, third-person action adventure game set in a stylized universe full of fiendish puzzles, mind-bending devices, freakish monstrosities, and twisted comedy. You are Dr. Muto, a maniacal and genius mad scientist whose [...]
Kirby and his friends are back in an adventure designed to satisfy longtime Kirby fans and beginners alike. When an alien spaceship crashes in the otherwise peaceful realm of Pop Star, its pieces are scattered throughout the land. Players must guide Kirby [...]
The year is 44 B.C. The grandeur of the Republic of Rome has been tarnished by political corruption and society has been overrun by unruliness and violence. Julius Caesar advocates for drastic reform but he is met with opposition and murdered. The [...]
Play the next generation of the classic game, controlling the most destructive power of the seas with a finger touch. Easy to learn, hard to mastery Ships N’ Battles is a easy game to learn, but with all the bonus combinations and strategy, [...]
Kangaroo (Japanese: カンガルー?) is arcade game that was released in 1982. It was manufactured by Sun Electronics and distributed by Atari. The gameplay and plot of Kangaroo resemble that of Donkey Kong. The player takes the role of a mother kangaroo wearing [...]