The game revolves around a standard (for Gold Box adventures) party of six adventurers who inadvertently get caught up in a plot by the Zhentarim to conquer the entire Frontier area.
The storyline, in rough terms, follows:
The party starts off in [...]
“Contradiction is an interactive crime drama game that uses live-action video for the entirety of the game play. It’s a brand new take on the concept of an interactive movie and brings the genre to a whole new level of playability. Contradiction [...]
Flyff (short for Fly for Fun) is a fantasy MMORPG by Korean development company Gala Lab (formerly Aeonsoft & nFlavor). Flyff is a fairly typical party-oriented grinding game where no character can do everything; efficient play requires working in [...]
Welcome to Dungeon Hack. Explore countless new dungeons in a game that never has to be the same twice. Send your character on quest after quest, down through the many pits, traps, and puzzles of Dungeon Hack. Take control, if you wish and generate a new [...]
The world of Tempest is in need of a champion! You have been summoned to embark on a noble journey to save all of humanity from an evil fate. You must keep your wits about you, your sword must stay sharp and ready, and your spells charged as you forge [...]
Behold Aslarga, a beautiful town known for its picturesque scenery, with the Amber Yggdrasil crowning the landscape. The town flourishes thanks to a steady stream of adventurers, all drawn by the mystery dungeons that dot the area.
The mystery dungeons' [...]
Squids Odyssey is a unique mix of action strategy and RPG: build your team of Squid heroes for epic turn-based battles against corrupted crabs and shrimps! Steev, Vahine and the rest of the Squids are in danger! An infectious black ooze is corrupting [...]