In the far future, humanity is ruled by The Ministry of Accounts, an oppressive bureaucracy that tracks, records and taxes every transaction of daily life. A new breed of marketeer arises to challenge the authority and make a profit: the Space Trader is [...]
Dark Salvation is about a dead woman named Talia who becomes possessed with an object called the Spirit Crystal. Her parents released the Lucafix demon through one of their cult meetings and she has been pulled into the Underworld to purge it of evil. [...]
Set during the last year of the war in Europe, June 1944 to May 1945, the Medal of Honor Allied Assault Expansion Pack gives players a sense of the courage it took to parachute behind enemy lines during Operation Overlord, halt the German counter [...]
In this short expansion pack you can explore U.S.S Voyager, launch a shuttle, run a Captain Proton holodeck program and much more. This is very much the Star Trek geeks expansion pack.