Utopia: The New Worlds ## Description _The New Worlds_ is a data disk add-on to the strategy game Utopia: The Creation of a Nation. It supplies ten new worlds to work through, each of which has a new alien race to encounter. These include the Sarturians, [...]
As the offspring of almighty Zeus, you demand a seat among the gods. But before ascending to the top of Mt. Olympus, you must first defeat some of the most powerful deities in the Greek pantheon. Such a task would be impossible for a puny mortal, but you [...]
Reprisal Universe places you in charge of the very elements themselves. Raise and lower land to expand your tribes, harness the power of fire and water. Explore the hidden mysteries of the Universe and gather your people together once again. Reprisal [...]
"Who am I?"
This game is for: - Those who want to analyze their personality - Those with an interest in literature, philosophy, or psychology - Those who are continuously searching for themselves
ALTER EGO Play Guide - Tap whispers to gather EGO - [...]
Miracles are child’s play. Earthquakes are serious fun. The all-powerful can perform miracles in their sleep. But omnipotence isn’t what it used to be. These days, it takes awesome natural disasters to dominate a world. You give them good [...]
Undiscovered Worlds is the official expansion pack to Electronic Art’s 1998 real time strategy game; this mission pack adds 12 new levels and follows the storyline on from Populous: The Beginning.