The game follows the story of a man named Jack Carver. Carver is a former service member of the United States Navy, who was dishonorably discharged following a number of illegal actions. Afterwards, he sets up a shop in Manhattan and begins supplying [...]
Project Reality is a combined arms First Person Shooter which is based around realism and teamwork oriented gameplay, it’s a stand-alone total conversion modification for Battlefield 2.
The elite Special Forces unit, The Surgical Strike Team, have been called into action. High-tech urban guerrillas are attacking innocent people but once they’re done with their carnage they fade back into the landscape. In a very delicate way, the [...]
Two figures appear in the scope of your rifle; an enraged attacker and his trembling hostage. In one single moment, all your training comes down to these two faces in the crosshairs, and your finger on the trigger. The shot is yours. It’s all in a [...]
Vietnam 2: Special Assignment ## Description This sequel to title Vietnam: Black Ops is a first person shooter geared towards casual gamers. Running on the LithTech 2 engine, the game features twelve levels representing various combat arenas of the [...]
Guerrilla War is an overhead run and gun game produced by SNK. Originally released for arcades in 1987 as a coin-operated arcade game, Guerrilla War followed the adventures of two unnamed rebel commandos (Che Guevara and Fidel Castro in the Japanese [...]
Spec Ops is an military video game franchise, created by Zombie Studios. The games have primarily been launched on the PC, PlayStation and Dreamcast systems. The first titles in the series were developed by Zombie Studios, and later titles by Runecraft. [...]