This is a 3D-based sequel to Rygar, a Tecmo title which was successful in the arcades and on many home systems. In the land of Argos, Princess Harmonia is kidnapped by the Titans, who are led by ancient gods Cleopatra and a winged-demon character named [...]
Being the only game based on the Japanese manga of the same title, it covers from “The Champion Carnival” to “The World Championship” in the original. There are 20 boxers and two hidden characters. There were only six voices for [...]
Exile is a single-player action-adventure video game originally published for the Acorn Electron and BBC Micro in 1988 by Superior Software and later ported to the Commodore 64, Amiga, CD32 and Atari ST, all published by Audiogenic. Exile’s game [...]
Betrayal is the only installment in the series to be released on a non-PlayStation platform and presented as a 2D side-scrolling game. Despite the limitations of the mobile platform, in comparison to its home console counterparts, it retains the [...]
The Gods of Olympus have abandoned humanity, leaving you to perish without their benevolence. Take up arms against the Gods, climb Mount Olympus, and take their divine powers for yourself to ensure mankind’s survival!
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian is an action-adventure fantasy video game developed by Traveller’s Tales to coincide with the theatrical release of the film of the same name. The game was announced at E3 2007. It was released for the [...]