Two college students, Rick Taylor and Jennifer Willis, take refuge from a storm in West Mansion, a local landmark known as "Splatterhouse" for the rumors of hideous experiments purportedly conducted there by Dr. West, a renowned and missing [...]
Deadliest Warrior: Legends is a fighting game and sequel to Deadliest Warrior: The Game. It was released on July 6, 2011 for Playstation Network and X-Box Live Arcade. Unlike the first game, all the fighters are named warriors, instead of all generic warriors.
Downloadable through the online Wii Shop, Last Flight is an action game in which the player fights through a comically cel-shaded plane full of the undead.
Soul Sacrifice is a brutal combat experience where every decision made will have consequential results. The main protagonist of Soul Sacrifice is one of the innocent bystanders that has been enslaved by a powerful and cruel sorcerer known as Magusar, who [...]