The game revolves around a standard (for Gold Box adventures) party of six adventurers who inadvertently get caught up in a plot by the Zhentarim to conquer the entire Frontier area.
The storyline, in rough terms, follows:
The party starts off in [...]
The War of the Lance is over, but Evil is a BAD loser... With the Dragonarmies defeated and the lands to the east reconquered, the forces of good have withdrawn and settled down to a well-earned rest. Evil forces, however, never rest and have been quietly [...]
The party's objective is to defeat Bane's lieutenants Thorne (an ancient red dragon), Kalistes (a Tanar'ri Marilith), and Tanetal (a Tanar'ri Glabrezu) and acquire the items they possess. The ultimate goal is to reach Bane's Land and face off against [...]
A toolset based on the classic gold box engine, Forgotten Realms Unlimited Adventures allowed players to create their own D&D scenarios long before Neverwinter Nights
After successfully fighting the evil forces trying to conquer Krynn, the supreme evil itself wishes to take over the fight. Once again, it’s time to protect the land! As in the previous adventures, you need to build up your party, or import it from the [...]
A great futuristic RPG game from the Strategic Simulations. Under the leadership of the famous Buck Rogers, you team must now embark on a mission of salvation. This adventure takes your team to the furthest reaches of civilized space and far beyond. To [...]