The story of Shadow of the Colossus begins as Wander enters the forbidden land, traveling across the long bridge at its entrance on his horse, Agro. According to Lord Emon later in the game, prior to entering the forbidden land Wander had stolen an [...]
The designers of the Bard’s Tale series, Wasteland, and Battle Chess pooled their talents to create the ultimate role-playing fantasy. They knew it had to be a first-rate story with sophisticated graphics. The result was Dragon Wars. Sailing across [...]
Red Goddess is an action adventure platformer. Explore an epic magical world. Unlock powers of Rage and Fear, and fight deadly enemies in fast paced red & blue combat system
The game is a remake of the computer game of the same name. It adds an animated intro, voice-overs, and two mini-games. The story is based on the manga/anime series Ah! My Goddess, depicting the adventures of Keiichi, a Japanese teenager who accidentally [...]
Prepare yourself for an adventure in a 3D world, in a time and place full of intrigue and mystery. You are Ramose, an ordinary man in extraordinary circumstances. Your father has been accused of stealing treasures from a royal tomb. Unless you can show [...]
The game is based on the novel of the same name by Strugatsky brothers. The game is a non-linear 3D RPG feautiring a branching story with four endings.
POWDER is a roguelike developed specifically for the Gameboy Advance (GBA). It is not a port of an existing roguelike as the controls of the GBA are very different from the traditional keyboard and the screen imposes some additional limitations. It is [...]
An action game spin-off in the Total Warrior series. Play as a mighty Spartan trooper, and battle through hordes of enemies in large environments, while working with allies. Use ultra-violent special attacks to mow down entire groups of foes at once, with [...]