Planetfriend is a desktop planet pet made by Laura Michet and Brendon Chung. Let your pet planet grow over time, or intervene to push its development into strange directions more quickly. PlanetFriend
Fata Deum is a god game asking the player “With the power of a god, who will you become?”. As a powerful god the player fights against up to four other (AI) gods to rule a fantastic world and its citizens. These citizens act self-sufficient [...]
Welcome to Crest, an indirect god sim where the only way to interact with your followers is by issuing commandments written in a pictographic language.
How these commandments are interpreted and remembered is not set in stone. What you communicate and [...]
In a magical sky borne world, assume the role of a powerful Spirit Guardian charged with restoring life and balance. Command the Peeps, your loyal servants, to feed, fight, build, and sacrifice themselves for the greater good in a quest to release your [...]
“From the legendary creator, Mr. Yasuhiro Wada (TOYBOX Inc.), comes Birthdays the Beginning: a new sandbox game in which players create cube-shaped worlds that give rise to diverse and unique lifeforms. With careful experimentation, players can [...]
The planet of Driftland was never a peaceful place. Divided into parties fighting each other for power and lordship, it kept on going… until war between the mighty ancient mages reached a point at which the colossal widespread destruction of all the [...]