A 2D side-scrolling beat’em up about a samurai who has been driven insane by the horrors of war, and derives unnatural power from his hallucinatory visions. He journeys to save his son, as his mental state degrades.
Color Guardians is an exciting fast action side scrolling game that combines quick thinking with frantic gameplay into a hard to master challenge! Switching colors and collecting items, all while avoiding obstacles will surely test your reflexes!
The story of Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns™ takes place in the Heart of Maguuma, the deep jungle where Pact forces crashed on their way to confront the Elder Dragon Mordremoth. Discover the secrets of the Maguuma Jungle, meet the new cultures and [...]
Valhyre Deathmatch is a shooter that serves as a proof of concept for the upcoming MMORPG Valhyre: The Aftermath. It was released as an XNA community game for the Xbox 360.
Jersey Devil, as the title implies, is loosely based upon the legendary New Jersey beast of the same name. Instead of the horrific beast the legend describes, the protagonist of the title is cute purple creature with long-ears and small wings. Dr. Knarf [...]