Crow is the critically acclaimed, story-driven action-adventure developed by Sunside. Combining unique exploration, combat, and game mechanics, Crow takes the player on an exciting journey to faraway lands where an ancient battle is unfolding. Your [...]
“Praey for the Gods” is a brutal journey set on a desolate frozen island, where your only chance of survival is to destroy the very gods you believe in. In Praey for the Gods, you play a lone hero sent to the edge of a dying world to discover [...]
Players get to choose any one of six monsters (four in the 16-bit ports) for battle, and two players can join forces to fight the monsters together. Battles end when one of the monsters is pinned for a three count or if time expires (in which case the [...]
The Sims: Makin’ Magic is the seventh and final expansion pack for The Sims, and was released on October 28, 2003. It was the last expansion pack to be made for The Sims, as The Sims 2 was to be released in the following year. The main theme of the [...]
Shadow of the Beast II finds the hero in half-beast form, wandering the lands of Karamoon in search of his kidnapped sister. She had been taken away from her mother's cottage by the dragon-form of the Beast Mage, Zelek, servant to Maletoth. Along the way, [...]