Produced in part by Marvel’s dedicated game production division, this game is based on the Marvel comic and 2006 motion picture starring Nick Cage. The tormented superhero/anti-hero Johnny Blaze, once a heroic daredevil cycle rider before making a [...]
Dick Tracy is a tie in to the 1990 movie adaptation of the classic comic strip, staring Warren Beatty and Madonna. While an action/adventure hybrid using this license was released by Disney for the PC and Amiga, Titus also held a license to the movie. [...]
Men in Black 2: Alien Escape is a fast-paced third-person perspective action game liberally infused with the trademark humor of the smash 1997 movie and the upcoming sequel. The game is divided into five distinct episodes, including a Nuclear Station, the [...]
Iron Man 2 is a 2010 action-adventure video game loosely based on the film of the same name. It was released in Europe on April 30, 2010,[3] and in North America on May 4.[4] Published by Sega, the game was developed by Sega Studios San Francisco for Xbox [...]
Kick-Ass is a fully 3D action fighting game set in the third-personperspective, where the player can play and control modern day superheroes based on the super characters found in the film of the samename. Gamers will be able to play as the three primary [...]
Marvel’s first family of Super Heroes face its greatest challenge yet as the enigmatic, intergalactic herald, The Silver Surfer, comes to Earth to prepare it for destruction. Transform into any member of the Fantastic Four to fight enemies from the [...]
Protecting the earth from the scum of the universe. Now it’s your turn… …to join the Men In Black in an all new adventure. Choose to play any of the leading character’s from the film: Will Smith, Tommy Lee Jones or Linda [...]