Long ago, back in medieval times, an evil spirit known as Spooky had terrorized all of Pac-Land. In response to this, the great Wizard Pac created a potion that turned 5 ordinary fruit into the “Golden Fruit.” A young knight called Sir [...]
The gameplay is very much like that of the original Xevious except this time it is a little more difficult. Several new enemies have also been introduced (including a silver Galaxian flagship, a rare silver Galaga “scorpion” ship, two jet [...]
Dig Dug is a 1-2 player arcade game in which you have to use your shovel to dig your way through the earth. Stopping you from doing this are two monsters, called Pooka and Fygar, who will continually chase you around. The only weapon that you carry is an [...]
The classic gaming character Pac-Man is back for the third iteration of the Pac-Man World series. The game features the classic Pac-Man powers and adds a few new abilities–such as superstomp and electric shock–to assist the yellow-ball-like [...]