The blood-curdling sequel to Dracula: Resurrection brings an even scarier adventure to life. After saving Mina, Jonathan Harker and his beloved return to London carrying a mysterious Dragon Ring.
You play as the waste disposal manager in a factory far into the future when, due to the events of World War 3 and the radiation damaging humans ability to procreate, cloning and artificial human creation thrives. You work as in one of the major human [...]
So this is a prototype for a puzzle platformer. It’s going to be centered around four key types of puzzles, two of which are implemented at the moment, namely: -Logic Gate Puzzles -World Looping Puzzles (inspired by the game Manifold Garden) [...]
“1953 – KGB Unleashed” is based on real projects conducted by the Ministry of State Security of the USSR (the former KGB). During that time they pushed the limits of human endurance, testing for the possibility of telepathy, as well as researching the [...]