Blown Away ## Description Loosely based on the movie of the same name, Blown Away is a puzzle-solving adventure game similar to The 7th Guest. You play a bomb-squad cop in pursuit of crazed bomber Jimmy Scaggs, you follow the storyline through videos and [...]
In the far future, humanity is ruled by The Ministry of Accounts, an oppressive bureaucracy that tracks, records and taxes every transaction of daily life. A new breed of marketeer arises to challenge the authority and make a profit: the Space Trader is [...]
The Prophecy The angel Gabriel comes to Earth to collect a soul which will end the stalemated war in Heaven, and only a former priest and a little girl can stop him. The angel Gabriel comes to Earth to collect a soul which will end the stalemated war in [...]
Perry Mason: The Case of the Mandarin Murder ## Description The Case of the Mandarin Murder is a text adventure with graphics, based on the Perry Mason detective stories by Erle Stanley Gardner. A woman is in jail after her rich husband is found dead, and [...]
The first major update to RailWorks was RailWorks 2: Train Simulator, released on Steam on 18 October 2010 under the name RailWorks 2. Retail versions were released later that year. The new version contained a range of new features and enhancements, [...]
The game is housed in a large custom rectangular cabinet. Each side of the cabinet has two steering wheels and four pedals. The monitor is set in to the top face of the cabinet and looked down upon. The game uses a 25 inch full color RGB display and does [...]