For centuries, the nations of Leazas and Helman have had a fierce rivalry, clashing time and time again with no clear victor ever in sight. In the year LP0002, Patton Helman, prince of the Helman Republic, sought to end this eternal conflict once and for [...]
Get ready for sexy yet challenging in-the-ring combat. WWX: Rumble Rose delivers intense girl-on-girl wrestling action with an all-female roster of vixens–each with specialty moves. The combat system lets you humiliate your opponents through [...]
Pirates vs. Ninjas Dodgeball pits scurvy against ninjitsu and cutlass versus katana in action packed dodgeball, to settle the world’s oldest debate; who’d win — Pirates or Ninjas? The game is played with seven different teams, including the Pirate [...]
Keith, owner of Keith's Guild, offers Rance a job worth 20,000 gold in reward from the Bran family to find and protect their daughter, Hikari Mi Bran, who was kidnapped with no subsequent demands made. Assisting him in his search is Zeth-born caster [...]