Xenoblade Chronicles follows Shulk and his band of friends as they search for answers about the mysterious “Monado” sword and defend their homeland from violent robotic creatures known as the Mechon. The game contains an open world design and [...]
In a world beyond imagination… In their immeasurable greed and constant thirst for power, the thirteen most powerful Mages of all time doomed the land, hurling it into an endless spiral of chaos and despair. Entire countries were wiped out in the [...]
Mirkwood - Once it was Greenwood the Great, and men and Elves lived in peace beneath its boughs... until the Necromancer's Tower arose, stirring a great evil in the forest's heart. Now death and darkness thicken the forest air, stifling life and twisting [...]
The game continues where Dungeon Siege II left off. As with DS2, Broken World takes place on the continent of Aranna. However the world has changed much following the fall of Valdis and the clash of the Sword of Zaramoth and the Shield of Azunai. The [...]
After obtaining aid from the lords of the realm in Ultima I, your character travels back in time, locates the mad wizard Mondain, slays him, and ends his reign of terror. In Ultima II: Revenge of the Enchantress, Mondain’s protégé, Minax, who [...]