Infamous: Festival of Blood is an action-adventure video game developed by Sucker Punch Productions for the PlayStation 3 video game console. Festival of Blood is a standalone expansion in the Infamous series based on the Infamous 2 engine and map but [...]
Patrician III is a real-time trading simulation featuring elements of construction and the historical background of maritime trade in Northern Europe during the 1300’s. As a resident of a medieval town, your goal is to rise from the status of a [...]
Star Wars: The Old Republic: Galactic Starfighter is the second Digital Expansion for Star Wars: The Old Republic. It centers around the addition of player-vs-player space combat and ship customization.
After meeting the halfling Hobart Stubbetoes, the player is transported to a new area called the Anauroch desert in a ruined castle. The player with his band of followers must defeat the Luremaster and overcome his many traps and monsters.
Following the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the economic situation in Russia and the former Eastern Europe falls into chaos. Terrorism in the region is commonplace as people fight a seemingly endless stream of battles for supplies and other [...]
In The Stetchkov Syndicate, players resume their role as the element leader in the Fairview SWAT team, which this time must contend with the titular crime syndicate, which smuggles illegal drugs and weapons into the city. The first mission sees the SWAT [...]
Following the climactic battle against the King of Shadows, you awaken alone and stranded deep beneath the earth. A dark hunger grows within you, threatening to devour your very soul. Will you fight against the hunger within or will you embrace it, [...]