The story of Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns™ takes place in the Heart of Maguuma, the deep jungle where Pact forces crashed on their way to confront the Elder Dragon Mordremoth. Discover the secrets of the Maguuma Jungle, meet the new cultures and [...]
The Sims: Vacation (The Sims: On Holiday in the Republic of Ireland, the UK, China and Scandinavia) is the fourth expansion pack for The Sims, released March 28, 2002 in North America. Vacation introduces a new destination called “Vacation [...]
Expanding from Ensemble Studio’s Age of Mythology; Titans brings to the experience the Atlanteans another culture with was 3 new gods to expand into your existing simulation. Atlanteans civilization/culture will allow players to uses god power [...]
Aliens have crash-landed into the capital building, and have begun a massive invasion of DC, capturing and destroying crucial government locations. One man is called for the job of wiping out the alien vermin - Duke Nukem. As Duke, players will go through [...]