“Rusty Lake Paradise is set on a small remote island in the 18th Century. After your mother passed away the island seems to be cursed with the 10 plagues. It’s your job to go around the island, interact with your family and help them vanquish [...]
"From somewhere far away, Junpei could hear the sound of metal squeaking.
He felt his stomach tighten. There were a thousand things the sound could have been, but none of the things he could think of were good. In an attempt to distract himself, Junpei [...]
You find yourself in a room you know nothing of. As you examine the objects around you, your awareness rises and the room slowly comes into focus. Can you find your way out?
The game has a minimal story, in which the player is told by letters of a mysterious box in a room in a house; as the player solves the puzzles around the box, more notes from the same author - one who previously had solved the mystery of the box - are [...]
In Abode you’ll visit a Sci-fi noir apartment. Inspired by “escape the room” games. You will pick up, inspect, open, repair or utilize objects or furniture in the room in order to unveil all its secrets.