In 2260, the earth’s resources were depleted. In order to survive, the space for human development extends to outer space. In outer space, through the continuous exploration of a team of people and horses, a new resource planet, the holy land, new [...]
人が消えた田舎で記憶を失って一人目を覚ました私。 「夏霧」と書かれた駅。 単線の鉄道。 夏霧の記憶を巡る少し切なく幻想的なウォーキングシミュレーター。 (This title doesn’t have the official English version, however it supports Fan Translation MOD. Please refer here for the detail. [...]
Title is google translated. A martial arts strategy game were players must figure out the enemies martial art routines to find weaknesses and attack accordingly using your own routine unlocked or customized through a card system. It has not been well [...]
See Me is a horror puzzle game where the player must escape from an haunted mansion by solving the mystery behind a fire where 4 people died, though only 3 where ever found. The game is not available in English.