“Contradiction is an interactive crime drama game that uses live-action video for the entirety of the game play. It’s a brand new take on the concept of an interactive movie and brings the genre to a whole new level of playability. Contradiction [...]
It’s going to be a day to remember for Sgt Mitchell. His first shift back on the MET’s Organised Crime Squad begins with a dawn raid on a council estate that turns nasty. The next 48 hours will put him against the suspicions of his team mates, [...]
Ce second épisode sur Amstrad CPC marque un changement de look du héros par rapport au premier volet. Fini Indiana Jones, place à une dégaine proche de Flash Gordon pour Rick Dangerous. Le gameplay conserve tout de même son style action/plate-forme pour [...]
Pandora’s Tower focuses on Aeron’s travels into thirteen towers to break a curse on Elena that is transforming her into a beast, using his magical sword and chain. A certain set of these monsters are referred to as beasts, as their flesh can [...]
A point-and-click adventure game that takes place on a European train shortly before the outbreak of World War I. The game attempts to simulate real time with a non-linear story and dozens of fully voiced characters.
Tumble is the perfect showcase for the accuracy of the PlayStation Move controller, letting you reach into the screen to balance, build, solve and demolish your way through more than 70 unique challenges. Each level presents a unique brainteaser, from [...]
The player takes over the control of both Wallace and Gromit but the player can't switch between both freely. Instead the story dictates which character is controllable. This time around the focus is on Gromit. Only for short section near the end the [...]