Guardians of Infinity: To Save Kennedy ## Description In 2087, a physicist, inventor of a time travel machine, assembles a group of Guardians to travel back in time and thwart the assassination of President Kennedy. Try to convince everyone that his life [...]
Moptown Parade ## Description One of the oldest releases by The Learning Company, Moptown Parade is an edutainment game aimed at teaching basic pattern recognition and logic skills to kids aged 4-7. The goal is simple: choose the traits of Moppet [...]
Eco – Battle with Detritus ## Description This game is a city management game a la SimCity, focused on waste and recycling. The simulation takes into account usual parameters like population size, employment, external market… and also new [...]
The Solar System is an educational astronomy program developed on the Unreal engine. The game centers around the local planetary system, complete with extensive information on the planets, as well as 88 constellations.
Physicus: Save the World with Science! ## Description A meteorite falls to Earth, stopping our planet’s cycle of rotation and causing thermal disaster around the globe. Lack of the Sun’s warmth has caused half of our planet to plunge into a [...]