Supercharged! ## Description Supercharged! is a 3D flying game that is designed to give players an intuitive understanding for introductory electromagnetic reactions. The game is intended to help students studying AP and first year college physics. [...]
Life is difficult enough without having Dr. Nemesis as your arch-villain. Why does he have to pick on Dave’s little brother, Delbert, so much? Not only does he snatch the already kidnapping-prone Delbert, but he hides him away deep in the bowel of an [...]
Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends, from Craig McCracken (creator of The Powerpuff Girls) features the somewhat shy Mac and his imaginary friend, Blooregard Q. Kazoo. The game is inspired by memorable episodes from the Cartoon Network hit series [...]
Virtual Surgeon: Open Heart ## Description Written by Dr. Myo Thant, the brains behind the Life & Death series, Virtual Surgeon takes you from the classroom to the operating table. Choosing technical accuracy and realism over quick thrills, it is [...]