The game follows the story of a man named Jack Carver. Carver is a former service member of the United States Navy, who was dishonorably discharged following a number of illegal actions. Afterwards, he sets up a shop in Manhattan and begins supplying [...]
In konami’s fifth entry in the Gradius series, Gradius V adds changes to gameplay while keeping to original form. Of the most significant changes is the ability to direct the yellow pods (ambiguously but classically titled “option”) [...]
Cops 2170: The Power of Law ## Description COPS 2170 is a tactical strategy game of squad combat with RPG elements set in a futuristic cyberpunk world. It is a prequel to Paradise Cracked, an earlier game by the same company. In the game you control Katy, [...]
Yu Yu Hakusho: Dark Tournament brings the action of the animated series’ Dark Tournament Saga to the interactive realm through a fast-paced fighting game. The game features several different ways to play, including a story mode based on exciting [...]