A space-time portal has suddenly appeared, and two brave adventures entered it. It led to Har’Akir, a scorched desert populated by vicious creatures who hold the few peaceful settlements in fear. The only way to escape this wretched place is to find [...]
Adventuress Ittle Dew and her sidekick Tippsie crash onto a strange island, filled with loot and mysterious inhabitants. It quickly dawns on the duo that this might become their biggest adventure yet. Ittle Dew boils down the classic adventure formula [...]
Dark Quest 2 is a turn based RPG inspired by legendary board game Hero Quest. The game features a party based system where you control a group of heroes, an isometric hand-drawn art style, dice based mechanics for all computations – (it rolls dice [...]
Eye of the Beholder III : Assault on Myth Drannor is an all 3-D, Legend Series computer role-playing adventure based on the popular Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition rules and on an original story created for this game . The action takes place [...]
A top down adventure game of epic proportion. Diablo 2 is the continuation of a wonderful world of magic and horror. – – “There is no escape from chaos, there is only the sweet release of death” A top down adventure game of epic [...]
The player controls the prince and heir to the land’s greatest kingdom (referred to as the Great Kingdom). When the prince was a child, Garth, a power hungry wizard of immense power and greed, killed his father and took the throne. Rather than kill the [...]
Eldritch is a first-person action game inspired by roguelikes, immersive sims, and H. P. Lovecraft. Eldritch is a first-person action game inspired by roguelikes, immersive sims, and H. P. Lovecraft. Eldritch is a first-person action game inspired by [...]