Kung Fu Panda 2: The Video Game begins where the movie leaves off, as Po and the Furious Five venture out to save Kung Fu from a new evil threat. In an original story, players are plunged into the video game at the climatic end-of-movie battle between [...]
In the Kung Fu Panda video game, players embark on an epic, action-packed adventure as they master the specialized Kung Fu fighting styles of Po the Panda, the unlikely hero, his teacher Shifu, and the legendary Kung Fu masters, the Furious Five: Monkey, [...]
0.5 MPH is extremely fast-when your vehicle is only big enough to carry an ant! Jockey for first place with your favorite character from the hit motion picture Antz™, using vehicles that aren’t your typical garden variety. Surf using a leaf, [...]
In the video game, which takes place a year after the movie, RJ, Hammy, Verne, and the gang feel that they need to have more things for the log (the area behind the hedge). This leads them on a wild romp through six different areas to snatch different [...]
How to Train Your Dragon is an action-adventure game based upon the film of the same name. It was developed by Etranges Libellules and Griptonite Games, and released by Activision on March 23, 2010, for the Wii, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and the Nintendo [...]