Digimon World: Next Order is an upcoming Digimon role-playing game. The game’s story centers around two potential main characters: Japanese third-year high school students Takuto and Shiki.
The world’s cutest app to breathe and let go. Meet Oodle, an adorable octopod. Collect colorful corals and befriend silly sea creatures. Grow a beautiful, ever-renewing ecosystem. Explore and unlock costumes and new worlds! * Relax in a happy, tranquil [...]
The plot begins when a small group of children are playing their Digimon Virtual Pet device. The protagonist, a young boy, arrives and excitingly observes a fight between MetalGreymon and MetalMamemon in the Virtual Pet devices. When the boy goes home, he [...]
In the game, the player follows and controls “Taiga”, a 16-year-old male protagonist who is transported to the digital world of Digimon, which in his universe is merely an online game. In the universe of Digimon, people raise creatures [...]
Tamagotchi is the name of a Game Boy game released in October 1997, also known as Game de Hakken!! Tamagotchi in Japan. It is very much like the original Tamagotchi, but with additional features such as music, contests, and more games.