Three years after the events at Beacon Mental Hospital, Sebastian Castellanos has left the Krimson City Police Department and continues to be haunted by his experiences at Beacon, the disappearance of his wife Myra, and the death of his daughter Lily in a [...]
When the truth is buried, go underground. Step into this new take on text-based adventure from the award-winning team behind Thomas Was Alone and Volume. A short story that hands you the fate of the world above, as a detective looking for answers on the [...]
Death Road to Canada is a Permadeath Randomized Road Trip Simulator. You manage a group of survivors through decision making events as you travel from Florida to Ontario, Canada. This is mixed in with exploring, sneaking around, or fighting in randomly [...]
As the newly appointed chieftain of a modest Viking clan, you’ll have a village of your very own. But to carve your name into the runestones of history you’ll need great strength, and great wealth to grow your village’s prosperity and renown. There is [...]
Precursors, predecessors, the legend of galaxy… Who are carrying the forebear’s genes among existing races, we can suppose only… Worlds of galaxy are everlasting, beautiful, unique and dangerous. Some of them are inhabited, some ruined and deserted, other [...]
West of Loathing — a slapstick comedy stick-figure wild west adventure role-playing game. West of Loathing — a slapstick comedy stick-figure wild west adventure role-playing game. Say howdy to— a single-player slapstick comedy adventure role-playing game [...]
Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series is a brand new story of the universe’s unlikeliest heroes: Star-Lord, Gamora, Drax, Rocket, and Groot. In the wake of an epic battle, the Guardians discover an artifact of unspeakable [...]