For the 25th anniversary of the Shin Megami Tensei series, Shin Megami Tensei V was revealed (after being previously announced as SMT HD Project) for release on Nintendo Switch, running on Unreal Engine 4.
"2038, Tokyo. When a young Hunter cadet is killed by a sudden demon attack, he strikes a deal with the demon Dagda. In exchange for being resurrected, he must serve as Dagda's Godslayer. Now possessing new demonic power, the boy quickly finds himself [...]
In the near future, a mysterious, growing, black void appears at the Earth’s southern pole. Unable to determine its cause and powerless to stop its deadly encroachment, humanity sends an elite team of explorers into the heart of the phenomenon, just [...]
Otogi: Spirit Agents Otogi: Spirit Agents is a Role-Playing game, developed and published by Mitama Games, which was released in Europe in 2016. Difficulty of this game: Just Right-Tough