Deer Hunter 5: Tracking Trophies ## Description This is the fifth game in the Deer Hunter series, and the last published by WizardWorks before it got acquired by Infogrames (later Atari.) As in the previous games, you play the role of a hunter who roams [...]
Deer Hunter is a series of hunting simulation video games. Originally available for Windows platform published by WizardWorks Software, it was also published on Mac, and later on Game Boy Color, PlayStation 2, and mobile phones. The first game in the [...]
Susan Ashworth, known in her neighbourhood as the crazy Cat Lady, is a lonely 40- year old on the verge of suicide. She has no family, no friends and no hope for a better future.One day she discovers that five strangers will come along and change [...]
Deer Hunter II: The Hunt Continues ## Description You still play the role of a hunter searching for bucks and does to kill, all in first-person perspective, only this time you are allowed to move yourself around the hunting areas. Other additions to the [...]