When a game is faithful to the poor writing and wildly implausible plot conventions of a soap opera, does that make it a bad game or an effective adaptation of its source material? In any case, this game situates you as a private investigator hired by Sue [...]
CastleVille is a social network game made by Zynga’s Dallas studio and was released on November 2011. It combines a number of elements from the company’s other “Ville” range of games. On launch it had received a million [...]
Take the wheel as Max Damage as you plow scores of vehicles unlucky enough to be in your way. Your soundtrack will be the sound of crunching metal, the splatter of motor oil on the windshield, and the screams of skidding tires. With a white-knuckled grip [...]
In Carmageddon, the player races a vehicle against a number of other computer controlled competitors in various settings, including city, mine and industrial areas. The player has a certain amount of time to complete each race, but more time may be gained [...]
Professional Bull Rider 2 ## Description Ride the bull, be the bull, or be a bull fighter, this is the only game endorsed by the Professional Bull Riders, Inc. Use actual moves used by real bulls and real bull riders, as recorded by the PBR, as well as [...]