The Panzer Dragoon series takes place on an unspecified post-apocalyptic planet where the people compete for land, resources, and the technology of the Ancients. The ‘Ancients’ is the generic name given to the people that once controlled a world spanning, [...]
Set in the fictional Metro City, the player controls one of three characters—former pro wrestler and newly elected mayor Mike Haggar, his daughter's boyfriend Cody, and Cody's best friend Guy—as they set out to defeat the Mad Gear gang and rescue Haggar's [...]
Super Pang is an adventure for one or two players that takes the player around the world, aiming to rid the planet of a terrible foe: seemingly innocuous-looking bubbles. The main portion of the game is Tour mode, where the player visits a series of [...]
Something was terribly wrong in the distant man-made Spondylus Solar System. One by one the planet’s central life support computers had been infected with a life threatening virus while the planet surfaces had been overrun with computerized [...]
It's been several years since peace settled in Metro City. With Cody and Jessica on vacation and Guy resuming his training out of town, everything seems to be in order. But recently, Haggar is feeling uneasy after learning that Mad Gear was not completely [...]
Millipede is a 1982 arcade game by Atari, Inc. and is the sequel to the arcade hit, Centipede. The objective of the game is to score as many points as possible by destroying all segments of the millipede as it moves toward the bottom of the screen, as [...]