Latverian president Dr. Doom is a terrible enemy, so when he hatches a plan to blow up New York City with a stolen Atomic bomb, one Marvel superhero is not enough to stop him. As the lavishly-drawn comic bundled with the game explains, Spider-Man and [...]
Upon reaching Waterworld, the twins become separated. Tara travels to a ship made of ice, somehow forgets her name, and meets Cap'n Frost, who desires to find the "Crown of Life" and rule Waterworld. Meanwhile, Torr travels to an undersea kingdom, forgets [...]
Are you ready to kick some butt with Tom and Jerry and friends? With your choice of over 75 weapons, you can duke it out in unique levels such as Frankenmouse, a twisted laboratory, or Towering Infurno, an unstable construction site! Be prepared for the [...]
In this shoot ’em up the player has to fight off four assault waves consisting of different enemy types until he reaches a huge UFO. After destroying the protective plates guarding the UFO’s pilot in his cockpit the player can kill the pilot. [...]
The games follow twins named Tarra and Torr. Their parents were slain by King Tyrannus's guards, prompted by a prophecy by the king's wizard Konjuro that the twins would slay Tyrannus. The twins were then raised as commoners by thieves to avoid being [...]
A corrupting plague of dark magic grips the world… once lush lands have turned barren, and the inhabitants have become hostile mutant creatures. Now, join the quest of a unique young unicorn and a tenacious old troll in a desperate bid to find and [...]
The game is largely based on the Indiana Jones movie Raiders of the Lost Ark. Set in 1945, British agent Rick Dangerous travels to the Amazon jungle to search for the lost Goolu tribe. His plane crashes in the jungle, and Rick must escape from the enraged [...]