The game begins in the film’s final scene, with Tony Montana’s (Andre Sogliuzzo) mansion being raided by Alejandro Sosa’s assassins. But this is the point of divergence from the film. Instead of being killed by the Skull, Tony manages to [...]
An action RPG developed by Telenet Japan and released in 1988, it is the first part of the XZR/Exile trilogy. The game was controversial for its references to religion, politics, and drugs. Unlike its sequels, XZR was never released outside of Japan.
Based on the 1972 film of the same name, The Godfather immerses you in the dangerous world of the Mafia. The game features GTA-style gameplay, a new storyline, and voice-acting by original cast members.
AnimAction is one of the Vectrex titles that requires the light pen accessory to operate. The light pen pack-in cartridge Art Master, only had rudimentary animation capabilities… AnimAction takes animating your vector based artwork to another level. [...]