Set in the distant future, Earth struggles for survival due to a shortage of resources. The Planetary Resource Importation Corporation sets to the stars in search of a future for mankind.
What they found instead, was a circus from hell.
Do! Run Run known as Super Pierrot in Japan, is the fourth and final incarnation of Mr. Do!, the Universal video game mascot. Returning to his Mr. Do! roots, the clown has a bouncing powerball with which to hurl at monsters. What makes this game novel is [...]
An obscure arcade-style game for the Amiga and Atari ST. The player tries to collect all dots to proceed to the next level, while avoiding enemies and hazards. Jumping and attacking rely on limited, collectible ammunition.
After a deadly circus fire shatters his world and tarnishes his name, Dropsy the Clown finds himself on a journey of self-discovery through a story that harnesses powerful themes of love and kindness. With his father gravely ill and the world turning its [...]