Gran Turismo HD Concept (グランツーリスモHDコンセプト Guran Tsūrisumo HD Konseputo) was the first installment of the Gran Turismo racing series to be released on the PlayStation 3. It was made available as a free download which was released on the PlayStation Store on [...]
Take Storm on a wonderful adventure in his magical teacup. Storm’s brother Cloud has created an amazing dream-like world for you to explore! Solve puzzles, avoid pitfalls and beat the bad guys in this imaginative and unique platformer!
As president Ronald Reagan begins his second term in the White House a little-known politician, Mikhali Gorbachev, becomes leader of the Soviet Union after Leonid Brezhnev's death in 1982 and two short-lived general secretaries of the Soviet communist [...]
Companions of Xanth is an adventure game published in 1993 by Legend Entertainment. The game is based on Piers Anthony’s Xanth novels and loosely follows the plot of his novel Demons Don’t Dream, in which a young man uses a computer game to [...]
Okabu is a co-op action-puzzle-adventure, following the exploits of a two Cloud-whales, Kumulo and Nimbe, as they battle to save their people and their world from the industrialized threat of the Doza clan
Fatal Inertia is a futuristic hovercar racing game from Koei. Originally an exclusive for the PlayStation 3, it was released for the Xbox 360 in 2007 and then released on the PlayStation 3 on May 29, 2008 in Japan, June 19, 2008 in North America and July [...]