Released by Koei in 1982, The Dragon & Princess (ドラゴンアンドプリンセス) is the first known RPG developed in Japan. It tasks the player with finding a king’s stolen treasure. It is a hybrid between the RPG, adventure and strategy genres, and laid the [...]
Chessmaster is a chess-playing computer game series which is now owned and developed by Ubisoft. It is the best-selling chess franchise in history, with more than five million units sold as of 2002. (from
Set in the Segmentum Obscurus, the story begins with the death-rattle of a proud Imperial world and the victorious warcry of its alien conquerors. The Orks live only to wage unending war, and know it is only a matter of time before the Imperial war [...]
The basic gameplay of Battle Chess remains true to the board game, with the added feature of unique battle animations for each capture. These animations varied for every combination of attack vs defender, making part of the enjoyment of Battle Chess in [...]
Kasparov in your pocket! The most brilliant chess player ever will be your personal trainer, sharing with you his technical knowledge and the history of the game… Can you raise the challenge and play head to head against him?