Play as one of the Scratch Cats, an elite superhero team, who are out to save the world from Washington and Jefferson, two evil mutant space rats who wish to enslave the world in rats. Explore each puzzle level and wipe out the rat threat. First you need [...]
In Radar Rat Race the player plays the role of a blue mouse, that has to search for cheese in a labyrinth within a certain time. To make it a bit harder, you are followed by several red mice which bring you certain death when you crash into one of them. [...]
A comical spin-off of The Incredible Machine series in which puzzles must be solved by using a limited number of objects working in unison to fulfill an objective.
Journey into danger. The greatest adventure in the history of Daventry is about to begin… …as you embark with King Graham on the most thrilling and perilous adventure of his career – the quest for the missing Royal Family of Daventry. [...]
This cartridge used the power pad and contained two games: “Short Order”, is a Simon-like game in which you are given an order and need to make the burger exactly as the order says. “Eggsplode” is a game in which you must destroy [...]