Extreme Road Trip 2 is a mobile side-scrolling racing game where the objective is to travel as far as possible on a limited supply of fuel by picking up power-ups and doing stunts to increase your speed temporarily. In-game micro-transactions allow you to [...]
You might be good enough to join Interforce, a private enterprise formed to fight terrorism, but to lead the team, you’ll have to prove you’re better than the other members. Outtrigger is a combat game that features both first- and [...]
Blitz: The League II continues the franchise legacy as the ultimate alternative to the watered-down, licensed competition. In addition to an all-new story mode penned by Peter Egan (ESPN’s Playmakers), Blitz: The League II features include: [...]
TrackMania, the series of racing games focusing on fun and frantic racing, now makes its debut on the Nintendo DS. Far from hardcore driving simulations, TrackMania is based on the fun and the spectacular aspect of racing. With TrackMania DS, you drive at [...]