「Call of Duty」の第二次世界大戦への回帰は、過去作の古典的な時代背景を採用しながらもゲーム全体をよりハイペースにした新しい試みだ。本作が与えてくれるのは、高水準のキャンペーン(ストーリーモード)、マルチプレイヤーの素晴らしい新モード、そして以前よりも不気味で密度が高いゾンビモードである。しかしながら、「Call of Duty: WWII」のそれぞれのパーツには一致性に欠ける部分や細かい欠陥があり、シリーズの画期的作品とは言えない。それでも、「Call of [...]
Veterans and New Recruits For many players, the multiplayer mode of the yearly edition of Call of Duty is a major event. But fans of the series are facing down a lot of changes with the latest entry into the franchise, Call of Duty: WWII, which switches [...]
Call of Duty’s long-awaited return to its World War II roots is not only a homecoming, but also a commemoration of the powerful bonds that form between brothers in arms. Yes, connecting with strangers through online matches and the Zombies mode [...]
На разработку Call of Duty: WWII потратили невероятное количество сил. Авторы перерыли сотни архивных документов и вместе с историками посетили места боевых действий — все ради того, чтобы воссоздать легендарные операции Второй мировой. Выстроив [...]
Fully expecting another ghastly CoD campaign, I’ve been utterly surprised by the shooter I’ve just played. Be shocked – Call Of Duty: WWII is a decent single-player game. And there’s not a loot drop in sight. Here’s wot I think: Call of Duty’s return to [...]
Every year, Call of Duty presents a multifaceted package catering to every possible playstyle. That wealth of content continues with Call of Duty: WWII, which features a historically-focused campaign, a zombie mode designed to puzzle and scare, and [...]
Call of Duty: Ghosts takes place following a catastrophic event that changed the global balance of powers in the world. As a result, the United States is no longer recognized as a superpower. Ten years after the event, an unseen enemy emerges as a threat, [...]