This cartridge contains eight exciting variations of the pinball game for either one or two to play. As in the case of the biggest versions in the amusement centres, the idea is to use the flippers to keep the ball in play for as long as possible and [...]
You’ll flip out over the coolest, fastest, most innovative quicksilver ball-basher in the known universe! Across five savage, fully-animated tables, from the ricochet riot of Firestorm to the intense overload of Duke Nukem, Balls of Steel delivers all the [...]
David’s Midnight Magic is a simple pinball game designed for 1-4 players. The game was modeled on the popular Black Knight pinball table released by Williams. Unlike Black Knight, however, David’s Midnight Magic contains a mixture of bright [...]
Roll up! Roll up! Travel back to Victorian times with five steam-powered adventures. Use your flippers to tunnel to the Earth’s core, journey to the ocean depths, fly through the tallest mountains and steam to a mysterious island to stop the evil [...]