Stretch Panic is an action/platform video game designed by Treasure Co. Ltd. It was a landmark title for the developer as it was their first game to feature movement on a 3D plane; prior to Stretch Panic they had exclusively been a developer of 2D titles. [...]
Valkyrie Drive: Bhikkhuni is an upcoming game in Marvelous’ Valkyrie Drive franchise. The keyword for the game is “offense,” and it will be a 3D battle action game that will have you take on clusters of enemies at a time. The more you fight together [...]
Alicia Van Volish is a former cop and current journalism student who wakes up after a one-night stand with a terrible hangover and a lot of questions: How much did she drink? Did she really take that guy home with her? What was his name? And what, [...]
Known in Japan as “The All*Star Kakutou Matsuri”. All-Star Fighters is the 91st entry in the Simple 2000 budget game series for the PS2, bringing together characters and locales from many different Simple 2000 games in a bizarre fighting tournament.