"Having been inspired by a famous witch named Shiny Chariot, an ordinary girl named Atsuko (Akko) Kagari enrolls at Luna Nova Magical Academy, a prestigious school for young girls training to become witches. Before starting summer vacation, Akko and her [...]
Seven years after defeating Carlos Calaca, Juan Aguacate is forced to don his luchador mask again to face a new threat - this time to the very fabric of space and time.
“When Uncle Grandpa accidentally drives the UG-RV through multiple dimensions, he picks up some surprise passengers in the form of Gumball, Steven Universe, Finn, Mordecai and Clarence! Now they’ll have to band together to defeat the evil [...]
Get ready for the wildest Top-Down Arena Brawler you’ve ever experienced. Navigate deadly arenas and battle it out against your enemies using over-the-top ability combos. Through a unique ability system, players can change and augment any character’s set [...]
99Vidas is set in a fictional anachronic universe, inspired by video games and the pop culture of the 1980s and 1990s. The game begins when an artifact known as 99Vidas goes missing. This artifact is believed to hold such great power it could bring [...]
Fight’N Rage is a brand new old-school side-scroller beat’em up. Inspired by the classics from the “golden age”, and with an art style that mimics the aesthetic from the 90’s arcade gems, this game pays homage to all classic gameplay features that [...]